5 September 2015

Book Haul-ish? (3): Invisible Book Haul

Book Haul-ish? is a weekly feature created and hosted by me and Bibliophile Soprano. We encourage bloggers to post about their hauls no matter how small or invisible it might be. Yay.

For those who want to participate:

-You can use the picture above, or create your own. Up to you. :) Just link the picture to this blog or to Bibliophile Soprano.
-Ideally, we'll post every Saturday (8 AM EST). Oh whale, I'm late. Anyways, you don't have to post on a Saturday if you don't feel like it, you can post on
-Just talk about your book haul-ish, you can post pictures if you want :))
- You can include ebooks you purchased, digital review copies (DRCs), physical ARCs, books you purchased, anything.
-Please tweet us! We'll try to RT as much as we can. :) (@CelestialPages & @bookishsongs)

August 30- September 5 


Sooo. Here's a perfect example of an invisible book haul. Yay. I'm sorry for not posting about my [invisble] book hauls for 2 weeks!

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