Title: The Haunting of Sunshine Girl
Author: Paige McKenzie
Publisher: Macmillan Children's Books
Goodreads Summary:
Based on the wildly popular YouTube channel, The Haunting of Sunshine Girl has been described as “ Gilmore Girls meets Paranormal Activity for the new media age.” YA fans new and old will learn the secrets behind Sunshine—the adorkable girl living in a haunted house—a story that is much bigger, and runs much deeper, than even the most devoted viewer can imagine…
Special thanks to Bibliophile Soprano for lending me her copy! :)
This book surprised me. When I was reading the first few parts of the book, I thought that this wasn't the sort of "horror" that would really scare me. This even made me want to play Monopoly! I've never seen the channel or the videos, but after reading this book, I think I might watch them for creeps.
Thrill intensifies gradually in this book. The first few parts were okay, the happenings were creepy, and the characters liked saying creepy a lot (Sunshine's fabulous mother preferred creeptastic). Nolan and Sunshine's bits of cutesy romance excite me, making me want to read more! So I read on, and the next parts got creepier and creepier, until it was already scary.
There was a time when our faucet looked like it was glitching for a second then the water started to get warmer and I was scared, thinking "What if the water gets all rusty?". I rushed; I wanted to get out of our bathroom ASAP.
The story focuses more on Sunshine's life and destiny than the ghosts and devils and horror. It had more depth than I expected, so plus points! Victoria is my favorite part of the story, and it's like I can feel her warmth as Sunshine narrated it.
Nolan is unreasonably kind, and it makes him cool (I don't want to spoil, but there's actually a reason why he's like that). I couldn't really relate to Sunshine, but I understand her and why she does what she does, though I think that it would be better if the temperature wasn't redundantly mentioned. I love the sprinkles of Insidious from the photographs (though it's a different matter). Their friendship is cute, but I still ship them. Their love story seems so natural. And Nolan's sacrifice made me smile!
Overall, this is a great book, and I wanna know what happens next to the story. I recommend this book to readers who want to experience something with creepiness and mild horror.
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